Our History

Our History

The Uley Playing field, also known as the Uley Memorial Field, was bought by public subscription  to commemorate the 13 local men who died in the Second World War. 

13 trees are planted around the perimeter in their memory.  A wooden plaque on the front of the Pavilion lists the names of the servicemen.

Further details about these men are on the Memorial page.

The field is located just south of Uley in the adjacent hamlet of Shadwell.  It is a village amenity with free public access at all times.  There is a pavilion and a carpark.  The Playing field is regularly used by the cricket and football teams (see….. for further information about these clubs), keep fit groups, walkers and joggers. 

In 2012 the field was registered as one of the Queen Elizabeth Fields in trust meaning that it cannot be built on but is for public recreational use in perpetuity.

The Pavilion  was rebuilt in 2015. It is a substantial building with an events room and kitchen as well as changing rooms and toilets.  It is available for hire for public and private events here for the Event Space page.  Thanks to the motivation of local stone mason Wayne Fisher £200,000 was raised for the building through donations from individuals, firms (Renishaw), and grants (Gloucestershire Environmental Trust, Sport England, Places People Play, part of the Olympic Legacy, and the Football Association). It was opened by the famous choreographer, Gillian Lynne, who lived at Bencombe House.


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